
Top 23 Unmissable WordPress Plugins For Advertising Management

Ad advertising management
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You own or manage a WordPress blog , hosted on a server maintained by a service provider or by yourself .

At the cost of many hours of full-time work or your free time , you have added quality articles .

In addition , you rolled up your sleeves and did not hesitate to improve your knowledge of SEO to make the positioning of your pages in the search results ( SERPs ) better .

The time has come to make this blog ( so hard to create ) profitable , by monetizing it with ads .

For your convenience , many WordPress themes have predefined ad slots .

In general , you can insert ads using either widgets or by selecting “Appearance” , then “Customize” menus of your blog dashboard .

However , with this type of configuration …

How do you plan to insert ads before or after a post ?

How do you plan to insert ads before or after any paragraph or image ?

How do you plan to bypass Adblockers ?

How do you plan to vary your offers according to visitors’ country or access device ?

How do you plan to reconcile advertising management and caching ?

This article brings you answers to all these questions .

It helps you find the WordPress plugins that let you implement a flexible , effective and profitable advertising management .

Well , let’s discover the list of plugins I selected for you !

  1. Jetpack by

This plugin ( developed by The “Automattic” team and contributors ) has a management interface allowing you to deal with both AdSense , Facebook or Amazon ads , among others .

As a point of interest , setting up this tool also enables you to improve :

  • the security of your WordPress blog , by providing protection against various computer attacks ( such as Brute force )
  • the performance of your blog . To that end , a range of tools will help you to decrease your pages load times , reduce your bandwidth use or optimize your images , for instance

JetPack - an Advertising WordPress plugin

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  1. Ad Inserter – Ad Manager & AdSense Ads

This plugin developed by Igor Funa allows you to precisely define where you want to place your ads .

For that , you just have to indicate before or after which key elements of your Web site you want to insert them .

These key elements can be , for example :

  • a post
  • a page
  • an excerpt
  • a paragraph
  • an image 

It has many advanced features , such as :

  • Ad blocking
  • the creation of Black / White-lists of categories , tags or URLs
  • reporting

Ad Inserter - an Advertising WordPress plugin

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  1. AdSense Plugin WP QUADS

This application created by Rene Hermeneau allows you to :

  • assign specific or random Ads blocks to a given position
  • manage your Ads visibility as for your blog homepage , categories , archives and tags . You can also hide them depending on whether the user is logged in or not .

It should be noted that advanced features include :

  • hiding Ads from Ajax requests to prevent them from being loaded uselessly
  • creating ads.txt file automatically , then checking it
  • customizing your post editor with “Quicktags” buttons that let you insert tags in your post , on the fly

AdSense Plugin WP QUADS - Advertising WordPress plugin

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  1. Advanced Ads – Ad Manager & AdSense

This tool developed by Thomas Maier helps you to create Ad blocks , in several ways .

That is , for instance , by copying and pasting into these blocks :

  • a classic script , as for an Amazon or a Google AdSense code , for instance
  • a shortcode
  • a JavaScript , HTML or Php code

You can also create Ad groups , Image Ads , placeholder Ads ( useful for testing quickly ) or set up AdSense Auto Ads ( in other words , Ads that adapt to your WordPress blog )

Advanced Ads – Ad Manager & AdSense - Advertising WordPress plugin

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  1. Hustle – Pop-Ups , Slide-ins and Email Opt-ins

This plugin created by WPMU DEV makes it possible for you to :

  • collect your users E-mails and publicize your offers with CTA ( Call-To-Action ) and all that , without affecting user experience
  • embed promotions or a newsletter form , in your content , by means of shortcodes
  • Create a social sharing module that lets you choose ( among 13 social networks ) the platform you want to display

Hustle – Pop-Ups, Slide-ins and Email Opt-ins - Advertising WordPress plugin

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  1. AdRotate Banner Manager

Among the many benefits of this software , developed by Arnan de Gans , is the ability to :

  • define roles ( Administrator , SEO editor , SEO manager and so on … ) and corresponding access rights
  • generate stats reports about impressions and clicks of users ( whether they are logged in or not ) , while filtering bots
  • send you notifications to warn you that ads are about to expire
  • take into account plugins for Caching ( like W3 Total Cache )

It should be noted that Geo targeting is also available in Premium version .

AdRotate Banner Manager - Advertising WordPress plugin

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  1. Wp-Insert

This extension made by Namith Jawahar gives you the opportunity of :

  • Inserting Ads in key parts of your website , like posts , widgets and themes
  • showing ads of different sizes
  • setting up several Ad networks
  • managing ads.txt , a file that helps to fight against advertising fraud

Wp-Insert - Advertising WordPress plugin

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  1. WPAdverts – Classifieds Plugin

The key characteristic of this extension , created by Greg Winiarski , is its capacity to insert classifieds Ads into your website .

This tool has also advanced features that allows you to :

  • let users post classifieds ads and be charged for that
  • send promotional e-mails , created from customized templates

WPAdverts – Classifieds Plugin - Advertising WordPress plugin

Details button - WPAdverts WordPress plugin   Download button - WPAdverts WordPress plugin

  1. Woody ad snippets – insert any code , text or ads by conditions

In Computer Science , a snippet is a small code that you can reuse in larger programs or modules .

This extension , made by Will Bontrager , aims to facilitate the creation of this code which can be of different kinds .

Namely ;

  • a CSS code to customize your WordPress theme
  • a formatted text for inserting shortcodes
  • a HTML code for inserting HTML tags quickly
  • a JavaScript code for inserting Ads or tracking users clicks , for instance
  • a PHP code for inserting functions , variables and methods declarations
  • a universal code to insert any kind of code mentioned above

Woody ad snippets - Advertising WordPress plugin

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  1. Quick AdSense

This is an add-on , written by Quicksense , that lets you :

  • put Ads in header or footer part of your blog
  • place up to 10 AdSense Ads on a page
  • assign a position to both Ads ( whether random or not , whether on the fly or not ) and Vi stories 

As a point of interest , Vi stories stands for “video intelligence stories” .

They correspond to services of a third-party that delivers contextual video stories .

Quick AdSense plugin can connect to this third-party API in order to display this kind of commercial videos , on your blog .

As long as you’ve correctly enter your credentials ( E-mail , Affiliate ID ) , in “Monetization with vi stories” section .

Quick Adsense - Advertising WordPress plugin

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  1. Ad Blocker Notify Lite

If you want to prevent Web browsers from blocking your Ads , this plugin is for you !

Indeed , if an Adblocker is active on your user’s Web browser , this add-on , written by Admiral ( and derived according to him from Brice Capobianco work ) ,  helps you to get around the problem , in three ways .

To be more precise , by informing your users about the problem , via a message displayed :

  • in a modal box
  • in a redirection page
  • alternatively . That is , instead of your Ads

These methods are passive in that , in the end , Ads cannot be unlocked without the user’s action , in any case .

Ad Blocker Notify Lite - Advertising WordPress plugin

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  1. Random Banner

This application of which Vinoth06 is the author , is able to create :

  • Ads categories
  • an alternative text that can be shown if there is no ad , in a given category
  • floating Ads while letting you decide on their display on mobile or their position

( Top , left , right or bottom position )

  • Popups that display after a certain time and a number of sessions defined by you
  • Ad campaigns
  • statistical reports 

( Knowing that the last two options are only available in the Premium version of the software )

Random Banner - Advertising WordPress plugin

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  1. AdPlugg WordPress Ad Plugin

This extension has been designed to facilitate the advertising management of your Website .

It requires registration with AdPlugg services to fully benefit from its features .

Once your access code received and activated , you will have to connect to AdPlugg Ad server to create and configure your Ads online .

      There , among others , you will be able to :

  • schedule your Ads ; that is , display them for a certain period of time
  • group your Ads or assign them a position

The concrete implementation of these settings in your WordPress blog requires the activation and configuration of the “AdPlugg” widget , dedicated to this purpose .

At last , it is worth noting that this advertising solution is also GDPR compliant .

AdPlugg WordPress Ad Plugin - Advertising WordPress plugin

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  1. WP Advertize It

Among the main features of this plugin ( designed by Henri Benoit and Alexander Herdt ) , we can notice its ability to :

  • embed Ad blocks directly in a Website theme , by using a PHP function
  • embed Ad blocks in WordPress editor , by using a shortcode
  • align Ad blocks to the left , to the right or center it
  • disable Ads displayed before , after or in the middle of key elements of your blog

( such as titles , paragraphs or other types of content )

  • disable Ad widget
  • disable Ads in footer or below comments
  • limit the number of ads displayed
  • set the minimum amount of characters , words or paragraphs needed for inline ads

WP Advertize It - Advertising WordPress plugin

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  1. Corner Ad

This application ( built by CodePeople ) creates , in the upper right edge of your web page , a corner that suggests an advertisement defined by you .

In other words , it excites the curiosity of the user and encourages him to “flip through” to discover the information contained in the ad .

The settings you can modify to customize your “corner” advertisement are :

  • the Ad link
  • the Ad image , from which you can get a smaller one called “thumbnail
  • the color of your corner Ad

This tool has also other positive aspects , since you can :

  • upload an audio file that will broadcast background music or information message about the products or services you promote , for instance

( However , this option is only available in Pro version )

  • restrict the display of ads to a certain period ( “schedule” option )
  • set the opening and closing times of the corner

       By default , in free version , your advertisement appears in the top left-hand corner of your Web page .

To place it on the Top right , you have to upgrade this plugin to Pro version .

Corner Ad - Advertising WordPress plugin

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  1. Easy AdSense Ads – Ad Inserter & AdSense Ad Manager

This add-on made by Satish Gandham has a number of features that can be very useful .

If you are a Web designer , you will certainly appreciate the “Debug mode” option .

Indeed , it allows you to add a red border to your advertisements and thus position them more accurately .

Besides , your WordPress blog may use W3 Total cache caching plugin to make your website faster and thus improve your SEO score .

If this is the case , your users may find cached pages that are sometimes not well adapted to the device from which they access your site .

To remedy this , you can enable user agent groups creation which will cause W3 Total Cache plugin to separate cached pages depending on whether the user accesses your site ( that is , from a PC , a tablet or a phone , to be precise )

Easy AdSense Ads - Advertising WordPress plugin

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  1. Banner Ad Creator

This add-on developed by ThemeStones has the originality of offering a wide choice of banner formats .

The different regular sizes of banners available are :

  • small square          :    125×125
  • medium square         :    200×200
  • medium rectangle      :    350×250
  • half banner           :    234×60
  • banner                :    468×60
  • vertical banner       :    120×240
  • vertical rectangle    :    240×400
  • leaderboard           :    728×90
  • billboard             :    728×300
  • inline rectangle      :    300×250
  • large rectangle       :    336×280
  • skyscraper            :    120×600
  • wide skyscraper       :    160×600
  • extra wide skyscraper :    240×600
  • half-page Ad           :    300×600
  • large leaderboard      :    970×90

The different sizes of social media banners available are :

  • Facebook cover        :    828×315
  • Facebook post         :    1200×630
  • Facebook Ad           :    600×315
  • Twitter post           :    1024×512
  • Twitter cover         :    1500×500
  • Instagram post        :    1080×1080
  • Instagram Ad           :    1200×628
  • Pinterest post        :    600×1200
  • LinkedIn cover        :    1400×425
  • Google+ cover         :    1080×608
  • Snapchat post         :    1080×1920

Banner Ad Creator - Advertising WordPress plugin

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  1. CM Pop-Up banners for WordPress

This application ( made by CreativeMindsSolutions ) enables you to promote your products or services , on your WordPress blog , by means of three Ad formats .

Namely ,

  • Popup format
  • Fly-in bottom” format
  • Full screen” format

( knowing that the two last ones are only available in the commercial version of this software )

You can customize each type of ad by setting up :

  • its width
  • its height
  • its background color
  • its shape . That is , whether its edges are rounded or sharp
  • its underlay style ( you can opt for a dark or a light underlay )
  • a minimum screen width for displaying your banners
  • how the banner content is centered ( horizontally or vertically )
  • whether your banner must be shown on all pages of your WordPress blog or just on some

CM Pop-Up banners - Advertising WordPress plugin

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  1. The Moneytizer

First , to take full advantage of the benefits offered by this plugin ( built by The Moneytizer ) , you must register online , on their platform of the same name .

Your site is then analyzed by The Moneytizer team to ensure that it meets the requirements for the integration of their ads .

If it is approved , you will receive an access code ( called “Moneytizer ID” ) to their Ad management interface , which lets you create and configure your advertisements , within the add-on itself .

It is worth noting that this dashboard offers a wide variety of Ad formats ranging from Slide-in to Megabanner , including skyscraper , popup , billboard and skin formats .

The Moneytizer - Advertising WordPress plugin

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  1. Embed Google AdWords Codes on WooCommerce

This application ( designed by StoreYa ) provides your website with a functionality , both original and useful ; the ability to tag your blog for remarketing .

By doing this , people who have visited your site will have the opportunity to continue to see your ads on other sites they visit , as long as these websites also display ads from the Google network .

Which multiplies the chances that people buy products highlighted by your advertisements .

Besides , through this add-on , you can enter “Google Search Consolecode ( also called “Google webmaster tools” code ) and thus , access to services that let you :

  • send sitemaps to Google search engine
  • check which pages have been indexed by Google but also detect which errors could not allow their indexation
  • monitor your website performance . That is , over a given period , number of clicks and impressions , CTR and position , among others
  • number of backlinks , which is a kind of popularity indicator for your site

At last , on the top of that , you can also enter an AdWords conversion tracking code .

It gives you the ability to analyze and therefore better understand how your ads affect the behavior of those who visit your blog .

Do they buy your products ? do they seek to contact your customer support ?

All this information will help you refine your AdWords ad campaign and improve Return on investment ( ROI ) .

Embed Google AdWords - an Advertising WordPress plugin

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  1. Ads for WP – Advanced Ads & AdSense Solution for WP & AMP

This extension ( created by Magazine3 ) makes it possible for you to :

  • deliver in-content Ads .

Unlike “sidebar Ads” , you can insert them directly into the content of your pages or posts , for example .

Which increases their visibility .

  • deliver background Ads ( also called skin Ads ) .

They allow you to make the most of the advertising space available on your website .

Indeed , They merge into the background of your blog while remaining clickable .

And that , by means of different Web languages , such as CSS , HTML and JavaScript

  • create image Ads .

In other words , banners

  • display advertisements or Ad groups , only if certain conditions are met ; category , post format , page template , type of page or post , taxonomy term , product , whether user is logged or not and so on …
  • limit the display of an advertising campaign to some days of the week ( Monday , Thursday , etc …) or a given period
  • connect to a service that geolocates IP addresses
  • collect data from some advertising plugins ( like Ad inserter or AMP for WP Advanced Ads )

At last , you can insert an Ad or an Ad group , in several ways :

  • with a shortcode
  • with a custom code

Ads for WP - Advertising WordPress plugin

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  1. MoreAds SE

This tool ( built by LAMP solutions GmbH ) contains a range of options that can be very practical in terms of advertising management .

First , it is worth noting that upgrading to Premium version lets you access some interesting features .

Indeed , it makes it possible for you to :

  • deliver global Ads .

If you have other WordPress blogs with this plugin , you can somehow synchronize their ads and thus apply a consistent advertising strategy ,

on all of your websites

( However , this feature is only available in Premium version )

  • analyze how your sites visitors react to these ads ( in terms of ad impressions , clicks , CTR , for example ) , through statistical reports
  • adapt the advertising message to the type of connection of your visitors

( eg : WIFI or WAP connection , as for mobile users )

  • bypass Adblocker restrictions

However , the free version of this software has equally interesting features .

In particular , it gives you the means to :

  • display offers depending on visitor’s country ( by using a Geolocation service ) or visitor’s access device ( desktop , tablet or smartphone )
  • create banner Ads , HTML Ads or popup Ads ( Modal popups or Window popups )
  • manage the display frequency of a given HTML or banner Ad
  • delay the display of banner Ads and set up their cookie lifetime
  • create floating Ads ( floating banners , to be precise )
  • make the placement of Ads easier , thanks to shortcodes and widgets

MoreAds SE - Advertising WordPress plugin

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  1. WP Ad Guru – Banner ad , Responsive popup , Popup maker , Ad rotator & More

Designed by oneTarek to make your life easier with ad management , this extension has a number of key features .

Indeed , it gives you the opportunity to :

  • add banners containing either
    • a HTML code
    • a JavaScript code
    • a clickable image
    • an iFrame , which displays or not a scrollbar
    • a shortcode , inserted through a WYSIWYG editor
  • create zones :

Put another way , you can define different types of Ads

( skyscraper , rectangle , billboard , custom type and so on … )

  • set each banner to a zone :

In other words , assign a type to your banner .

As shown in the screenshot below , this add-on lets you customize your set of banners by

  1. defining in which countries it is displayed

( provided that geolocation feature is activated )

  1. grouping banners , in a sort of container called “slide”

From the point of view of your blog visitors , all these “slides” will appear as a carousel whose ads follow each 5 seconds

  1. clicking “Add new slide” button to create as many slides as you want
  2. assigning ads to a given slide …
  3. … as long as they are of the same type as the current zone
  4. equitably distributing the number of times the ads can appear .

And this , by …

  1. … clicking on the “Equal” button
  2. removing ads that you deem unnecessary

  • By default , with this plugin , banners are set for all pages of your blog .

But you can extend that to other types of pages , like :

  • homepage
  • single pages
  • 404 error pages
  • search results” pages
  • archive pages containing a taxonomy or an author profile

WP Ad Guru - Advertising WordPress plugin

Details button - WP Ad Guru WordPress plugin   Download button - WP Ad Guru WordPress plugin


Even if you start in advertising management .

Even if you have a limited Communication budget .

Even if you do not have a lot of time to spend looking for ad plugins on the Web .

You can set up a customizable , adaptive and powerful advertising management system ,

from the list of WordPress plugins that I propose .

Have you tested any of the plugins described in the list ?

Do you know of other plugins dedicated to advertising management ?

Hello everyone ! I am the creator and webmaster of website . Specialized in Technology Intelligence and Innovation ( Master 1 Diploma in Information and Systems Science from the University of Aix-Marseille, France ), I write tutorials allowing you to discover or take control of the tools of ICT or Technological Intelligence . The purpose of these articles is therefore to help you better search, analyze ( verify ), sort and store public and legal information . Indeed, we cannot make good decisions without having good information !

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