
NPS – Net Promoter Score Definition – Workings, Benefits, Customers Engagement, Implementation, Limitations

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What Is Net Promoter Score (NPS) ?

Net Promoter Score or NPS, is a customer satisfaction metric that measures how likely customers are to recommend a company’s products or services to others . It is calculated by subtracting the percentage of respondents who are "Detractors" from the percentage of respondents who are "Promoters" .

How Does NPS Work ?

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is calculated by asking customers how likely they are to recommend a company’s products or services on a scale of 0-10 and then subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters .

NPS can be used to gauge customer satisfaction with a product or service, track customer loyalty over time and compare customer satisfaction levels across different product categories or services . NPS is also sometimes used as a predictor of business growth .

There are a few different ways to calculate NPS, but the most common method is to ask customers two questions :

  • How likely are you to recommend [ Company X / Product X ] to a friend or colleague ?
  • What is the primary reason for your score ?

The first question is scored on a scale of 0-10, with 0 being "not at all likely" and 10 being "extremely likely ." The second question allows customers to provide feedback about their experience .

Based on the responses, customers are categorized as follows :

  • Promoters (score 9-10) :

Customers who are loyal advocates and are highly likely to refer others

  • Passives (score 7-8) :

Customers who are generally satisfied but unenthusiastic; they may be swayed by competitors

  • Detractors (score 0-6) :

Customers who are unhappy with their experience and are likely to spread negative word-of-mouth about the company

The NPS score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters . For example, if 40% of customers are Promoters and 20% are Detractors, the NPS would be 20 (40-20) .

What Are The Benefits of Using NPS ?

NPS is a simple yet powerful way to measure customer satisfaction and track customer loyalty over time . By asking customers how likely they are to recommend your company or product to others, you can quickly identify promoters (customers who are highly satisfied and likely to recommend you), passives (customers who are satisfied but not particularly loyal or enthusiastic) and detractors (unhappy customers who could damage your brand) .

NPS can be used in many different industries as a way to benchmark customer satisfaction and track progress over time . In addition, NPS can be used to help companies identify areas of improvement and target specific marketing campaigns .

There are many benefits of using NPS, including :

  • Easy to implement and use
  • Provides valuable insights into customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • Helps companies identify areas of improvement
  • Can be used to benchmark against competitors
  • Helps companies track progress over time
  • Can be used to target specific marketing campaigns
  • Creates a sense of engagement with customers
  • Reduces customer churn rate and increases customer loyalty .

Overall, NPS is a reliable and cost-effective tool that can be used by businesses of all sizes to measure customer satisfaction and track customer loyalty .

How To Identify And Engage Customers Through NPS ?

NPS is a measurement of customer satisfaction that tells you how likely your customers are to recommend your product or service to others . It’s a simple question that can be asked at any time : "On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our product/service to a friend or colleague ?" NPS can be used to identify your company’s promoters (those who give it a score of 9 or 10), passives (those who give it a score of 7 or 8) and detractors (those who give it a score of 0-6) .

The first step in using NPS to improve your business is to identify where you stand with each group . If you have more detractors than promoters, that’s a sign that you need to make some changes . Once you know where you stand, you can start working on engaging your integral customers .

There are many ways to engage your promoters . You can reach out to them directly and ask for feedback on what they like about your product or service . You can also offer them exclusive deals or early access to new products and services . Whatever you do, make sure you’re showing your appreciation for their willingness to promote your business .

Passives are potential promoters, so it’s important to try to engage them as well . One way to do this is by reaching out and asking for their feedback . Thank them for their input and let them know that their suggestions are being taken into consideration . You can also offer them incentives to become promoters, such as discounts or exclusive access to new products and services .

Lastly, detractors need to be taken into consideration when engaging customers . It’s important to try to identify what is causing their dissatisfaction and work on making the necessary changes . Follow up with them after you’ve made changes and ask for feedback . Ask if they’re willing to change their opinion of your product or service . If they are still not satisfied, it may be best to take their advice and find a different solution that works better for them .

By identifying each customer group through NPS and then engaging with those groups accordingly, you can improve the customer experience and foster greater loyalty in the long run .

How to Implement an Effective NPS Program ?

NPS can be a valuable metric for measuring customer satisfaction, but only if it is used correctly . Here are a few tips for implementing an effective NPS program :

  • Define your goals :

What do you want to learn from your NPS surveys ? What are your targets for improvement ? Without clear goals, it will be difficult to know if your NPS program is successful .

  • Ask the right questions :

The most important question in an NPS survey is the classic "would you recommend us to a friend ?" But there are other helpful questions you can ask as well, such as "what is the primary reason for your score ?" and "how likely are you to do business with us again ?"

  • Get feedback from detractors and promoters alike :

It’s important to hear feedback from both ends of the spectrum – those who love your product or service and those who don’t – in order to improve your NPS score .

  • Take action on the feedback you receive :

Once you’ve collected feedback, it’s important to do something with it ! Analyze the results and look for patterns or themes, then take steps to address areas of improvement .

  • Monitor your progress over time :

NPS should not be viewed as a one-time snapshot, but rather as part of an ongoing process of measuring and improving customer satisfaction . Track your score over time andCelebrate successes and learn from failures – this is how you’ll continuously improve .

Following these tips will help you develop a successful NPS program that will give you meaningful insights into customer satisfaction and areas for improvement . Good luck !

What Are The 10 Main Limitations of NPS ?

NPS is a popular metric for measuring customer satisfaction, but it has its limitations . Here are 10 of the main limitations of NPS :

  • NPS is only one metric :

While NPS can be a helpful metric for measuring customer satisfaction, it should not be used as the sole measure . Customer satisfaction is complex and multi-dimensional, so using only one metric is not sufficient .

  • NPS does not measure loyalty :

NPS measures customer satisfaction at a given point in time, but it does not measure loyalty . Loyalty is a more long-term commitment and can be influenced by factors such as brand affinity, customer service and price .

  • NPS scores can fluctuate :

The score itself is an average of responses to a single question, so it can fluctuate over time . This means that it’s important to track NPS over time to see if there are any trends or patterns emerging .

  • Respondents may not be representative :

The people who take the time to respond to an NPS survey may not be representative of the wider population of customers . This means that the results may not be truly representative of all customers’ views .

  • Promoters may not be loyal :

Just because someone is a “promoter” does not mean they are automatically loyal to the brand or company . They may simply be satisfied with the product or service at that particular moment in time and could switch to a competitor if they are offered a better deal .

  • Low response rates :

While NPS surveys are quick and easy for respondents to complete, the response rate may be too low for accurate results . There could also be a bias in the type of people who respond as well .

  • Unclear action steps :

NPS can provide an indication of customer satisfaction, but it doesn’t necessarily tell you what action steps need to be taken . This means that extra research and analysis is needed in order to understand how to improve the customer experience .

  • Over-reliance on the metric :

Too much focus on NPS can lead to tunnel vision where companies are only concerned with improving their scores rather than looking at other ways to measure customer satisfaction levels .

  • Culture differences :

Different cultures may respond differently to questions about customer loyalty, making it difficult to compare data from different regions or countries accurately .

  • Lack of granularity :

As NPS only consists of one question, it isn’t able to provide any insights into why customers feel the way they do or even get feedback on particular aspects of what a company offers; as such, it should only be interpreted in conjunction with more detailed customer feedback or research data .

These are just some of the main limitations of NPS . It is important to remember that it is only one metric and should not be used in isolation . Companies should use a more comprehensive customer feedback system to gain deeper insights into customer attitudes and behavior .


Knowing your customer’s feedback and opinions is critical to the success of any business, regardless of its size . Net Promoter Score provides a comprehensive way to measure this feedback by providing an easy-to-use system that quantifies customer satisfaction levels .

NPS helps businesses identify areas they need to improve on and prioritize those improvements accordingly, as well as assess how their efforts are paying off over time . It can also help companies measure changes in loyalty and make informed decisions when it comes to marketing strategies and tactics .

Overall, it serves as an invaluable tool for businesses who want to gain better insights about their customers’ sentiments which should not be overlooked or forgotten if you wish your organization to remain successful both now and into the future .

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